I work primarily with Neurodivergent people and hold a special interest in working with Autistics and ADHDers Neurodivergent Therapy (fifecounselling.com
The other core element of my work is around Vegan Trauma.
I also work more generally with individuals experiencing communication issues, stress, anxiety, depression, identity issues, bereavement, loss, problems with self-esteem and self-confidence, relationship difficulties, and family-related issues.
I am trained in Pluralism, which is based on the assumption that no one therapeutic approach has the monopoly on understanding the causes of distress or on the most helpful therapeutic response.
Instead, it suggests that different clients are likely to want, and benefit from, different things in therapy. Therefore, I am open to respecting understandings and practices from across the counselling and psychotherapy spectrum.
Given this emphasis on tailoring therapy to the individual client, a pluralistic approach also emphasises collaboration, shared decision making, negotiation and meta-communication (talking to you about the process of therapy itself) including what you want from it and how you would like to try and get there.
I hold unconditional positive regard for all of my clients
I am a Neurodivergent competent counsellor and coach
I am a Vegan competent counsellor, holding special awareness of specific Vegan traumas
I am an LGBTQIA+ ally
Professional Body Membership:
I am an Accredited Member of COSCA (Counselling and Psychotherapy in Scotland).
COSCA accreditation is a mark of quality and professionalism in the field of counselling and psychotherapy. Being COSCA accredited means that I have met rigorous standards set by the Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland (COSCA) organisation. This accreditation ensures that I am qualified, experienced, and adhere to a strict code of ethics. It also means that I am committed to ongoing professional development and supervision to provide the best possible care.
Membership No. 3614.
I am fully insured with Balens Insurance UK to work with clients and supervisees internationally with the exception of the USA and Canada.
If you need to make a complaint, you can contact my professional body, COSCA here: